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Born in Taipei, Taiwan.

Contemporary-educated dancer and choreographer with 8 years of experience.

Currently working as a soloist dancer at Tanzkompanie Theater St.Gallen.

He graduated from the Taipei National University of the Arts School of Dance.

Dancing with Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan from 2017 to 2019.
Guang-Xuan has performed works by Hofesh Shechter, Johan Inger, Kinsun Chan, Hwai-Min Lin, Jo Strømgren, Frank Fannar Pedersen, Martin Zimmermann, Dimo Kirilov Milev, Ihsan Rustem, Nadav Zelner, Giovanni Insaudo, Julian Nicosia, Po-Cheng Tsai and many others.


In 2022, the piece "Voyage" choreography by him and Mei-Yun Lu was awarded the "Second Prize" in the 27th MASDANZA Choreography Contest. The same year, he and Andy Storchenegger won the Artist Work Grant from Kulture Kanton St.Gallen. Also presented his choreography work "See Me Under The Skin" in "RAW" production from Konzert und Theater St.Gallen 21/22. He won the prize in the Taiwan Creative Dance Competition in 2015, 2017, and 2019.





現為瑞士聖加侖市立劇院Tanzkompanie St. Gallen獨舞者、舞團當代舞教師及自由編舞者。
2022 與盧美云共同編創作品《Voyage》榮獲第27屆西班牙 MASDANZA國際當代舞蹈節編舞大賽第二名,

同年獲頒聖加侖年度貢獻藝術家,與瑞士藝術家Andy Storchenegger共同發表作品《Strangers - we are? 》及個人作品《See Me Under The Skin》。
2023年,作品《Voyage》受邀德國達姆施塔特州立劇院「聚焦台灣(Fokus Taiwan)」系列演出。


合作編舞家包括 Hofesh Shechter, Johan Inger, Kinsun Chan, Jo Strømgren, Frank Fannar Pedersen, Dimo Kirilov Milev, Ihsan Rustem, Nadav Zelner, Muhammed Kaltuk, Matin Zimmermann, Toru Shimazaki, Giovanni Insaudo, Julian Nicosia, 林懷民、蔡博丞、周書毅、蘇威嘉、楊銘隆等。


編創作品《What’s Female?》、《Underground》、《獨立以前》


在校期間曾演出Anna Sokolow《房間》擔任獨舞、林懷民全版《薪傳》擔任獨舞、Natalie Weir《His Weeping》、Graeme Collins《Etudes》、Toru Shimazaki《Patch Work》、余能盛《第一天》、《天鵝湖-再現華麗經典》、《羅曼史》、楊銘隆《無名》、古名伸《幻想曲》、鄭淑姬《慶》、周書毅《1875拉威爾與波麗露》、蘇威嘉《FreeSteps》、蔡銘元《梨園魅影》、蔡博丞《浮花》。

Photo by Daniel Kunz  daniekunzphoto

© 2022 Guang-Xuan Chen

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